If you have a dental emergency, it’s imperative to get to an emergency dental clinic in Toronto as soon as you can. Injuries to the teeth and gums can potentially be serious and shouldn’t be ignored. If an emergent situation is not handled appropriately, you may experience more extensive treatment later, which can be more expensive in the long run. Here are some tips for handling a dental emergency.

Get in Touch with your Dentist

In a critical situation, you need to contact your emergency dental clinic in Toronto as soon as you possibly can. Your dentist can recommend what actions need to be taken. In a dental emergency, they may recommend you come in for treatment right away, or even go to the nearest emergency room depending on how extensive your injuries you have sustained.

What if a tooth is knocked out or broken?

If you break a tooth or knock it out you should save the tooth, or any pieces you can. Rinse the tooth off with water, but try to keep any tissue in place. If you experience any bleeding, apply gentle pressure using a piece of gauze to help it stop. A cold compress applied to the outside of the mouth, on the cheek or near a lip can help keep swelling down and relieve some pain. If a tooth is only partially dislodged, take an over-the-counter pain reliever and apply a cold compress to the outside of your mouth until you get to the emergency dental clinic in Toronto.

What to do about an Abscess

An abscess can be a serious condition that can cause extensive damage to tissue and the surrounding teeth. If it’s left untreated, an abscess can spread to other parts of the body. See your dentist as soon as possible.