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(416) 483-3355

Hours of Operation

Monday9:45am - 5:30pm
Tuesday8:45am - 6:30pm
Wednesday8:45am - 6:30pm
Thursday8:45am - 7:30pm
Friday8:45am - 3:30pm

Dental Bonding

Your smile introduces you to the world as a bright, friendly presence. One way to enhance your smile is with a procedure called dental bonding, a procedure that can be both cosmetic and functional.


Dental bonding can be used to correct many different dental issues. Because it is such a versatile technique, your dentist might recommend it for any of the following uses.
• To improve the look of a discolored tooth
• To close up small gaps between teeth
• To lengthen the appearance of teeth
• To alter the shape of the teeth
• To repair cavities
• To repair cracked or chipped teeth


Dental bonding is usually not the only option for the above dental problems. However, there are several benefits to choosing this procedure over others. The best way to decide is to have a discussion with your dentist about the pros and cons of each alternative. Ask for his recommendation based on the condition of your teeth and your own dental goals.
• One of the least expensive cosmetic procedures
• Can be done entirely in the dentist’s office
• Depending on the number of teeth to be bonded, can take as little as one visit.
• Less tooth enamel removed than with veneers or crowns
• Anesthesia is not needed unless a tooth is being filled

Bonding Material

The material used in dental bonding is a pliable, tooth-colored resin. The dentist applies it to the teeth and hardens it with a special light.


If you are having a cavity repaired, the dentist applies a topical anesthetic and then gives an injection of local anesthetic.
The next step is choosing the color of resin. The dentist carefully matches the resin to your tooth color so when the process is finished, the tooth will look the same as your other teeth.
The dentist proceeds by roughening up the surface of your tooth so it can accept the resin. After applying a conditioning liquid to the tooth, the dentist is ready to apply the bonding material.
Since the resin can be worked like putty, it is easy for the dentist to apply it to the tooth and mold it to the desired shape. Still, getting that perfect shape and appearance requires skills that only a professional dentist has mastered.
When the resin is in place and properly shaped, the dentist shines a special hardening light on it. After the hardening is complete, he shapes and trims the bonding material as needed. As a final step, he polishes the tooth to give it a beautiful shine.

Taking Care of Bonded Teeth

Brush and floss your teeth as you normally do. Keep regular appointments with your dentist, where he will spend some time checking the current condition of the bonded teeth. The following recommendations can help prevent you from chipping the bonded material.
• Avoid biting fingernails
• Avoid chewing on pens or pencils
• Avoid biting ice or other very hard foods
• Avoid opening items such as bottles with your teeth
• Contact your dentist if you notice any sharp edges
Dental bonding is often the best solution for achieving your dental goals. With a new, whiter smile, you can greet the world even more positively than before.