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(416) 483-3355

Hours of Operation

Monday9:45am - 5:30pm
Tuesday8:45am - 6:30pm
Wednesday8:45am - 6:30pm
Thursday8:45am - 7:30pm
Friday8:45am - 3:30pm


Dental veneers cover the fronts of your teeth with beautiful, tooth-colored, thin shells. Your teeth look naturally attractive when you choose this cosmetic enhancement. While Dr. Vandersluis offers many different procedures to improve your smile, porcelain veneers are among the most effective.

Fixes Smile Problems

Veneers solve many of the issues people have with the appearance of their smiles. Porcelain veneers can:
• Cover up stains and discolorations.
• Fix teeth that are worn down.
• Fix chipped or broken teeth.
• Fix minor alignment problems.
• Give a regular look to irregularly shaped teeth.
• Give a smooth line to teeth that are uneven.
• Fill gaps between teeth.


Porcelain veneers offer many advantages over other cosmetic procedures. Here are some of those benefits:
• Natural tooth appearance
• Reflects light naturally
• Easy on gum tissue
• Stain resistant
• Color can be chosen to mask discolored teeth and make them look lighter
• Little re-shaping of the tooth required
• May be more attractive than crowns
• Long-lasting

First Steps

If you are thinking of improving your smile, talk to Dr. Vandersluis about options. The dentist examines your teeth and discusses with you your goals for the appearance of your smile. Specifically, be sure to tell your dentist exactly what smile problems are most important to you to correct.
If you, along with the help of the dentist, decide to have veneers, the next step is to create a treatment plan. The dentist gets your input as he designs a plan that will work for you and your lifestyle. As soon as the plan is in place, it’s time to schedule the procedure.


Your dentist prepares you for the veneer placement in two main ways. First, he must get your teeth ready. Then, he needs to take impressions so your veneers can be made in the lab.
Preparing the teeth for veneers is a simple process. You may have a local aesthetic to numb the area first. Then, the dentist shaves off just a 1/2-mm sliver of enamel – about the size of the veneer that will cover it. After the teeth are prepared, it is a quick procedure to take impressions of the teeth so the veneers can be made.


When you come in to have the veneers placed, your dentist takes special care to ensure they fit properly and appear the way you like. He uses a temporary dental cement to adhere them to your teeth. He checks the color and trims off any excess veneer material. When you are both satisfied the veneers look right, the dentist bonds them permanently to your teeth. He uses a special light to harden the cement to keep them in place

Caring for Veneers

Dental veneers normally require no special care at all. Continue to follow a proper dental hygiene routine by brushing and flossing regularly. If you notice a chip on a veneer, see your dentist for a touchup. This rarely happens, but going to routine checkup as your dentist recommends helps him spot any problems and correct them.
Veneers are an exceptional choice for smile enhancement. You can show off your pearly whites with pride!